Seattle Public Schools


Transportation Appeals Process

Appeals will be handled as outlined below. The process provides parents and/or students with an opportunity to present all concerns regarding a denied request for transportation. Because the granting of transportation rests with several District offices, the process is an opportunity to assure that transportation decisions are made on the basis of all relevant information, and in accordance with applicable District regulations.


The parent/guardian may appeal a denial of transportation services by filing a written request for review to the Transportation Department.

The Transportation Manager will review the information provided by the parent/guardian and may interview district staff and/or review district records for information pertinent to making his/her determination.

Within five school business days of receiving the request for review, the Transportation Manager will provide the parent/guardian with a written decision. Based on the decision there may also be  notification of the parent/guardian’s right to further appeal to the Assistant Superintendent of Operations, whose decision is final.

All appeals must be in writing and submitted through